Monday, January 31, 2011

2 Weeks Late Brown With Mucus

lesson pillow: curls

Saturday I did the lesson, the topic curls. are very beautiful and can make a simple geometric design work of art. Well of course not my design, but I think with time and advice of the teacher be able to do satisfactory work. the difficulties of this lesson was not closing the circle just inside and curls. without closing the circle inside means you have to do the design by cutting the square with the diagonals and to start work from the tip of the square and half square. This allows you to have a clean work without closures in the middle, the downside
is that you need a lot of couples, I have not counted but I think they are over 50. You can double-locks them (very difficult) and you can do it too full. I Have a fully designed and a no. can not do that again filled with the old point, the teacher advised me to let us inside the musket in order to make it look full. Well for now I can only show you this little bit but I hope you get the idea. Remember that when you see a job on the pillow is pinned to the back.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Airstream Trailers By Wikipedia

The firm mild fellow Ginzburg

While embodying, in the popular imagination, the perfect aplomb English, has recently become an Italian citizen and is proud of it. Paul Ginsburg has lived in Italy for twenty years and teaches history at the University of Florence. In his latest book, "Saving Italy " the professor goes over some elements, but not predominant interest in the history of our country (like the search for social equality, the investment into Europe, the great tradition of ' municipal self-government) and point your finger at those calling for rework to give Italy a chance to ransom. Listening
his interview with the passage Controradio I liked most about the proposal to re-evaluate the character of meekness. It will be that from which they are shy and gentle, I felt called into question. In the short essay "In Praise of Meekness," Norberto Bobbio wrote that the meek and the other of which man needs to overcome the evil within ourselves. Extending this concept, Paul Ginsburg is the gentleness, combined with the firm, a socially desirable one nation under mild and firm, which quietly once again, he insists, understand, tolerate, but also seeks to change the evil through his example. The historian is convinced that there are large minorities in each part the country desperately waiting for proposals to begin a journey. Refreshment to hear about people like him who first embodies these characteristics.
Paul Ginsburg, along with other members of the association Liberty and Justice Zagrebelsky as Gustavo and Sandra Bonsanti, has launched an urgent appeal to all Italian and foreign civil society to demand the resignation of Prime Minister.
Do not despair of Italy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Do I Copy No Cd Into My Morrowind Directory

my first trickles

the other night I finished my homework on Saturday and I am dedicated to the beads. for the first time I tried to do a rivoli cabochon, I failed a few times and then this was the result (not wonderful). I sing in a ring but came down to the middle and now I can not finish it, I think I cut him and I will do something else.
pillow in my work I will die around the teacher. than to have used three different colors which makes it creepy, I also made a "Maranga" but those really from jail. because I forgot to take a picture, maybe I'll see the next time I'll let you in and also the "barbatrucco"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

89 Chevy Truck Adjust Door

If this is a bed

I know, these are not the important things in life, but as the saying goes: "The eye wants its share. "

PS owner admits candidly that he stayed for at least three days.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fake New York State Driver's License

The cigarette girls and boys Casone

the top of the tower of the former tobacco factory in Florence , overlooking the Teatro Puccini, was recently a beautiful tri-color, probably to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unit of Italy. I like the rationalist architecture of this building opened in 1940, after ten years of work, and designed by architect Pierluigi Nervi and Bartoli. I also like because it is steeped in history. The cigar makers
Florence had already proved to be very active on June 29, 1874, when it went on strike to demand better conditions for working mothers, is compact in March 1921 he joined the strike which followed the killing by a squad of Lavagnini union leader.
Inside the factory, which moved in 1940 from two old factories located in the center of Florence, was printed and spread anti-fascist propaganda of illegal material, gathered medicines for the Red Aid and you equipped to reach the partisans, in the mountains, cigarettes, food, dining areas and stolen weapons.
On March 3, 1944, the day of the great Florentine factory strike that marked the beginning of the liberation of Florence, at 13 o'clock two workers split off the main switch current that powered all departments thus signal the beginning of 'agitation. Under the threat of weapons were forced to return to work but then put in place a boycott that brought down the production of cigarettes from 2000 to 60 kg per day. Occupied by the Germans
July 23, 1944 the Manufacture was later in the hands of the partisans when, about a month later, the occupants retreated across the river Mugnone. The beautiful booklet
"The guys Casone, the strength of Cascine of Florence" (downloadable here ) Terrosi Renato, who stars in those days, recalls:
" the afternoon of August 28, 1944 via a number of citizens of the area of \u200b\u200bPistoia and 'Olmatello left their homes, worried that the modest retroguar give the German army, still in their area, was strengthened by the arrival of a detachment of paratroopers. came out of their homes to take refuge behind the line face, held by partisans, and that roughly ran along the Mugnone and had as its cornerstone the Tobacco Factory. Learn the danger we will strengthen that garrison, bringing to 15 the number of occupants the Manufacture, concentrating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe theater. The team captured the terrace overlooking Piazza Puccini, under the tower. On the tower took place in round three partisans - Albano Palmieri, Roncucci Dino Ferrari and Bruno - who had supplied Sten machine guns and grenades that had been provided on the first ally of the army garrison, which had taken place in a neighborhood located above the bar on the corner of Via Ponte alle Mosse and Squarcialupi away. Unfortunately, as expected, in the early hours of the night the Germans crossed the Mugnone and a Panzerfaust (forerunner of today's bazooka) broke down the door right of the theater and went into the factory.
The partisan Bruno Ferrari was hit by the blaze of phosphorus panzerfaustit as he descended from the tower to stock up on ammunition. He managed to escape through the stalls and, driven by pain and by the force of his twenties, reached the railway workers Casone to raise the alarm. Meanwhile, the rest of the department that had not been too vigilant, he managed to leave the terrace and to reconnect, through manufacturing, the Partisans who were stationed at railway huts. The three, who were left isolated on the tower, when they realized that the fellow on the terrace had left their post and i tedeschi la stavano occupando, utilizzarono le loro bombe a mano e fecero grave danno ai nemici. I tedeschi, scoraggiati dall’intenso fuoco di tutti i partigiani, che avevano lasciato il Casone e si erano schierati sulla piazza dalla parte di via Ponte alle Mosse, ritennero più conveniente ritirarsi oltre il Mugnone portandosi via i feriti raccolti sulla terrazza.
La formazione partigiana rimase vigile per tutta la notte e alle prime luci dell’alba i compagni rimasti sulla torre poterono scendere accolti dall’abbraccio dei compagni, che avevano vegliato con loro e che erano corsi a liberarli.
Il giorno dopo i partigiani accorsero a Peretola a salutare con i cittadini di quella località the return of freedom for all citizens of Florence. Some went so with a detachment of American tanks to Marsh, but the Germans were finally withdrawn. "

When I pass this tower bike (usually a couple of times a week going to the gym) always get the eye to the flag and I think with gratitude to those courageous battle and also to cigar makers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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The responsibilities of the owners

do not say to the young, but things you do today to be optimistic. Just the fact that it was allowed the shameful blackmail of its workers FIAT masked, for more by referendum, depresses me greatly. I have no major economic powers and is not true that I "reject globalization," writes Gramellini . Simply no one from the head lever that if there is a crisis, that is if there is less money, instead of redistributing that there are better ones, there are those who constantly get richer and those who can be seen leaning over their shoulders, its 1000 euros per month, the responsibility "to be competitive." It is not right.
Meanwhile, let's start with the entrepreneurs to call them by their real name as did Filippo Astone, economic journalist of the Corriere della Sera (NB not a representative of the FIOM!), Who wrote a book entitled " The party bosses, such as caste and Confidustria economic command in Italy."
From his interview in Le Storie RAI3 I learned some interesting things about this class that now has a tendency to pass as benefactor.

1) In Italy the big industrialists to invest below the European average. The average investment in new European car models, for example, is 8%. Fiat invests 3%. One may wonder if it will lose market share? Require the workers more flexibility and efficiency, but what is their share of responsibility in making their companies competitive?

2) According to Astone Italy, is a combination of caste and the elite's economic leadership has the same responsibility for that policy and the union. The first is continuing to seek state aid and flexibility to employees. But do your part?

3) The crisis we are experiencing comes from the U.S. subprime mortgages due to the fact that families, too much for the liberalization of labor, were no longer able to pay their mortgages. The main problem of our economic elite is that short of having the vision and thinking that everything will be resolved by reducing real wages and adjusting their income statement for the next quarter. Meanwhile, however, are putting to death the whole economy. "The sheep, if sheared too, dies." Astone said. I would add: even if the Italian car market ripartisse, those who buy those cars produced if the people have less money?

4) Confidustria is the association of industrialists, but the "union" of entrepreneurs and is not the only one, given that some 38 representative of the owners. They accuse the policy to be divided and quarrelsome, but they are much more (and are much more expensive than political, according to Aston).

5) The promoters of the idea of \u200b\u200bexpelling the entrepreneurs who pay protection money were Antonio Montante, President Confindustria and Joseph Catanzaro Caltanissetta, Agrigento head of Confindustria, which has the highest number of expulsions. In Sicily, the operation was a tremendous importance when you consider that in the past they wanted to expel Libero Grassi, but everything outside the island had no practical effect, although protection money is paid even in the North.

7) The non-standard contracts (Co.Co.Pro., VAT, etc..) Are a way to bypass the collective bargaining through legislation. The motivation of these contracts is not flexibility but the lowest cost. Suffice it to say that they are heavily used by companies who continue to make profits, as telephone companies.

Thumb Suddenly Swelling

here is the scarf

course between work, home, daughter, school pillow etc. . etc.. the scarf is a bit 'slow, but do not despair.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2007 Easton Stealth Softball Bats

what appears

as they become pigra. il mio blog è trascuratissimo.
i miei lavori invece vanno avanti come treni. la sciarpa è quasi arrivata a metà e devo dire che il risultato è abbastanza soddisfacente (ho dimenticato la foto).
continuano anche le mie lezioni di tombolo e siamo alla 4° del punto antico. ci dedichiamo alle forme irregolari quindi rombi, cerchi, ellissi, non sempre si mette dentro un disegno a punto antico ma per ora stiamo facendo tutti i "fondi" che si useranno come contorno del punto antico.
questo è l'ultimo lavoro sul tombolo. ho deciso di fare qualcosa di colorato tanto per far venire i capelli bianchi alla mia maestra che aborra il colore nel tombolo. la parte esterna è fatta a fondo della vergine and is in full black, then there is a round of inevitable conocchiole with white linen and white linen always a frame enclosing a square notch point in pink linen. between black and white bead had to be a definition, but I really do not bitch slut has managed to put
as you can see I still have not mastered the exchange of the colored pairs, but I'm sure with a little slowly ' patience and experience will improve.
I hope soon to show you the finished work
kisses kisses

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Claimed Unemployment While Working Ny

A packaging will bury us

E 'it possible that buying a pair of earphones is very normal should produce so much waste?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Concession Stand Cupcakes

The abnormal variant

Generally, the human being moves for convenience. Is human nature to act under the impulse of self-interest, economic, primarily but not only. Not for nothing, to promote virtuous behavior, it used to incentives and to discourage certain actions that are harmful, we resort to sanctions. It 's normal to be so.
It is often surprising, and inexplicable behavior of those who go against the tide and, apparently, against the own advantage, so that we tend to explain it as a quest for recognition because this at least is part of a "normal". Yet there are whitefly that you do not even speak, and therefore are even more inexplicable.
I must say that these "abnormal variants" I have always liked so much, especially when they are unknown. I see them as a model to follow, give me hope, mitigate my usual pessimism. And then to think of it their number is so small.
I realize I have listed several on this blog: the two sofas manufacturers who refuse to pay the workers in black, commissioner for the rehabilitation of the Valley del Sarno che rifiuta il suo compenso per darlo alle famiglie dei Carabinieri caduti, alla cassiera del supermercato che consegna ai Carabinieri una cassetta piena di soldi che ha trovato, al proprietario di un'azienda tessile di Como in crisi che tira fuori i soldi per salvare la sua azienda invece di venderla.
Ed altre scovate più recentemente:

- Ambrogio Mauri era tra i maggiori costruttori di autobus del nord d'Italia ma non accettò di pagare le consuete tangenti al fine di avere un turno di appalto. Si tolse la vita nel 1997 perché gli soffiarono irregolarmente un appalto ma i suoi figli Carlo e Umberto continuano l'attività dell'azienda resistendo the attempted bribery of a new type ( Report episode on 24.10.2010 under the heading "Some people say no" ).

- On days when the government was saved thanks to the shameless sale of parliamentary, read on Paneacqua Pumpkin the story of Vincent, who, after working for years in the establishment Ilva of Savona and have participated in the struggle against its closure, he was elected senator in the fifties of the PCI. In the elections of 1963 left the task of Pumpkin Senator for normal shift rotation of parliament (it was then the strict limit of two terms) and returned regularly in the factory to carry out its work over the activities of workers a militant base. A decision that caused a sensation: there were parliamentary questions but it was precisely concerned will reject other locations. Vincenzo Zucchi factory remained until his retirement in 1964.

- On The Unit a few days ago I read instead of Altamura a businessman who was the only person who asked him to denounce the lace and was therefore isolated from the whole country. A choice that he calls "right" but that has devastated the lives of her entire family from morning to night. Who made him do?, The question arises.

- Antonio Diana, owner of Erreplast, a company that recycles plastic in Casertano, elected by Legambiente environmentalist of the year, was formed with his brother in a civil case against those who had killed his father because he had not bowed to the Camorra, as tells The Daily Done. "A normal thing - says Antonio - and those are normal things that surprise most of these lands."

In their small, are "abnormal variants" all those who leave their cars at home to move on foot, by bicycle or bus, the ones that make the collection even if you do not have a door-to-door those who read a book instead of watching television, those who do not even think to pass la domenica all'outlet (anche se ci sono i saldi), quelli che chiedono la fattura di un lavoro accollandosi l'IVA anche se non la possono scaricare, quelli che quando fa freddo si mettono un maglione in più senza accendere la stufa elettrica, quelli che si ricordano di portare la borsa di tela piuttosto che chiedere un sacchetto usa-e-getta (anche bio), quelli accompagnano i figli a scuola a piedi invece che in auto anche se piove, quelli che....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sample Referral Cards

Greetings, fifteen! Four years of

Mi pare di ricordarmi abbastanza bene come ci si sente a quindici anni (forse grazie al mio diario di allora, lo vedi che a qualcosa servono i diari?). Ci si sente già adulti, in grado di fronteggiare the world alone. After all we are missing? Only a little more information that we have the old and new that we do not have. But the fear creeps into us that we can fool with those four things more than they know.
And then there's that yearning, restlessness that sometimes takes hold of us and makes us become intractable. You want to smash everything in those moments. Imagine if the mother begins to break because you left something around.
Today was fifteen, my dear young man with pants below the buttocks, his gaze from the bully and who cares always ready. Do not think you do not understand. Do not think that it is easy to bear your shoot. Do not think I do not know that behind that tough rind that flaunts lies a tender and sensitive soul. The next step is to understand that your mind is just what the best thing you have. I do not hide.
Happy birthday, dear!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Portofino Sun Centers Prices


than a handful of blogs four years, 556 posts. Certainly beyond my expectations of 11 January 2007. Recently I decided to do something that I planned for some time, terrified by the idea that Google will make me a joke. Save to PDF and print on paper (the irreplaceable paper) all my posts with comments **. Mamma mia, what I wrote! What a strange feeling to be read in the post that the comments!
can not say I feel different from the woman who in 2007 spoke of ecology and critical consumption, complained of their children and work, he told of his journeys on foot, looking for good news to be mentioned every week (closed ambitious project soon) . I was just a bit 'more enthusiastically methodical and slavish as happens to those who open a valve closed for years: that of my desire to tell. Today I feel more shrewd, more skeptical, and certainly probably the most arid. It is not the fault of the blog, of course.
I read a lot of nostalgia with some comments of people who are no longer on the network and I'm really sorry to have lost track. I think that even those who sono rimasti abbiano meno verve tanto che i loro commenti sono più frettolosi (esattamente come lo sono i miei sui loro blog).
In ogni caso trovo che sia un piccolo successo anche solo il fatto di avere ancora voglia di scrivere, di essere riuscita a tenermi lontana dai social network e di riuscire ancora durante le mie giornate a strappare questi cinque minuti solo per me .

** Per chi volesse ottenere una stampa "pulita" dei propri post (cosa non facile) suggerisco il software PrintWhatYouLike .

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How To Make Crutch Arm Covers

Just to pull up the moral

Purtroppo spesso mi trovo ad ascoltare le mie trasmissioni prefer a bit 'absent-mindedly, like bus or when changing the facades of houses require a little' more attention, or when they are interrupted several times by someone. It happens so that I lose the steps and I find myself wondering: "But what they talk about?" On the other hand, knowing that this or anything, so I choose.
Environment episode of Italy on the situation of Italian cultural heritage , for example, I was left with little head. However in the mist of my concentration a little chorus I was set to mind: "There is no money." All respondents, the director of the Archaeological Park of Selinunte, the archaeological director of the Coliseum, the president of the Park Nazionale del Gran Paradiso hanno continuato a denunciare la medesima carenza di risorse finanziarie cominciando a snocciolare cifre, un po' noiose per gli ascoltatori, ma atte a dimostrare la gravità della situazione.
La breve intervista a Philippe Daverio invece ha attirato la mia attenzione sia per l'estrosità del personaggio (uso a opinioni anche discutibili ma di sicuro inequivocabili) sia perché le sue affermazioni mi hanno dato l'idea di uno che ha una visione ad ampio spettro (non necessariamente giusta però sicuramente stimolante).
"Stiamo raccontando un'Italia che va a pezzi. Ci dica Lei, che è stato assessore alla cultura a Milano", chiede Beppe Rovera, "come facciamo?"
"I can not do." It 's the short answer of the art historian who gives two reasons. After one hundred and fifty units of Italy we have to admit that the affair did not work because one was pretty fragile as the Piedmont, with a cultural heritage rather limited, it is found to manage the legacy of seven were all much more important in Piedmont . We think of Venice, Florence and Naples were the most important capitals of Italy for the art and which are then, according to Davenport, the ones who suffer the most neglect. Second point, it was necessary to manage this huge heritage train people as they do in France, where there is a specific school that forms each year with twenty people the same concept of cultural heritage and can be moved if necessary. In recent years we have lost a dozen of the most talented superintendents and competitions that the Ministry had not been done. Things are done only if there is a ruling class prepared and organized for the preservation of cultural heritage. "A Cross disaster," according to Philippe Daverio.
"And the Eagle will return to its original beauty?", Then asks the conductor.
"No, never come back as before. As has happened in Umbria, building of new suburbs, the old town die. It may be possible to reconstruct the buildings but not the life that has moved in the meantime." On the other parte, secondo Daverio, questo fenomeno è abbastanza inevitabile con i terremoti con l'eccezione del Friuli (centri piccoli e abitanti dal carattere particolare) e di Tuscania (salvata proprio dalla disgrazia dal suo destino di area turistica). E poi a L'Aquila hanno perso troppo tempo. Nelle grandi chiese cadute doveva essere fatta subito la selezione delle macerie. La pur brava sovrintendente ha solo tre persone nel suo organico. Abbiamo anche delle competenze fantastiche nei tecnici "ma lo Stato ha preferito la comunicazione alla realizzazione. La prima è presto evaporata e la seconda non c'è".
"Anche i Parchi Nazionali soffrono perché non ci sono soldi", continua Rovera. Risposta:"I Parchi sono res publica, una roba noiosissima per gli Italiani medi. Siamo tutti felici che esistano ma quelli che stanno intorno si mangiano il loro pezzettino pensando che quel loro vantaggio immediato non pregiudichi nulla. Lo stesso ragionamento con il quale ci siamo giocati il paesaggio. Si pensi alla valle del Brenta con la più bella architettura del Settecento al mondo, distrutta dai Veneti con la costruzione dei capannoni. Un danno peggiore di un terremoto. Ad un Veneto di oggi non importa nulla se la cultura della Serenissima ha influenzato ben altre realtà, da Amsterdam a New York."

Non c'è che dire: una bella iniezione di ottimismo!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Adderall And Chromium Picolinate

The creative has to be earned

Anna Maria Testa, with his way of speaking professorial bites, does not inspire me great sympathy. However I found some interesting in his interview with Radio 3 on creativity Fahrenheit.
I particularly liked the fact that the teacher has removed some stereotypes related to this concept, which in our country is surrounded by an aura of suspicion because, since the eighties, the word creativity has been used too much and inappropriately.
According to Anna Maria Testa (author of "The plot shiny " Rizzoli
and site ) creativity is the system of connections and interconnections that lights nel nostro cervello quando c'è un problema da risolvere o quando arriva uno stimolo nuovo rispetto a quanti ci hanno preceduto su una certa questione. E' come una trama di fili che nel buio ad un certo punto si accendono.

I luoghi comuni che l'intervistata smonta sono:

1) la creatività non è un'idea che viene dal nulla, un gesto immediato. Il processo creativo, in tutti i campi, richiede una fase di analisi e di preparazione in cui tutti gli elementi vanno messi sul tavolo, una di incubazione, nella quale il cervello fa tanti collegamenti che vengono scartati, un momento di illuminazione nel quale la soluzione si manifesta in modo immediato (e spesso in maniera simpler than previously thought) and finally a stage of development and implementation in which we committed to putting into practice the idea of \u200b\u200bthe preceding paragraph. In short, the effort and commitment are always needed.

2) is not true that creativity is necessarily a characteristic of youth and decreases with age. Over the years we produce less but better quality because it has a kind of encyclopedia staff who can draw. Singles Eurispes the data of an investigation according to which, in addition to those who have to be creative for a living, were particularly creative over64 that match the generation who put up with energy, tenacity, passion and commitment, our country after the war.

3) creativity is not innate but can be grown. According to Anna Maria Testa, for example, children and young people (especially males) iperaccuditi, to which even the smallest sign of originality is rewarded, where we tolerate poor performance at school, you get used to individually address the difficulties that need to understand their own way, will not be fit to face a difficult future in terms of competition.

4) Creativity is not infringement because it destroys, while the former creates.

5) is not a mental disease in itself to generate creativity. If anything, this can be a productive outlet to the pain that would otherwise not be able to express themselves. Speaking of genius and recklessness I remember a speech Simona Argentieri which also dispels the myth of artistic talent that comes from inner turmoil by stating that, despite numerous studies in this regard, the source of artistic creativity, fortunately, has not been found. "There are more tormented pseudoartisti that true artists." Argentieri said.