Monday, January 10, 2011

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than a handful of blogs four years, 556 posts. Certainly beyond my expectations of 11 January 2007. Recently I decided to do something that I planned for some time, terrified by the idea that Google will make me a joke. Save to PDF and print on paper (the irreplaceable paper) all my posts with comments **. Mamma mia, what I wrote! What a strange feeling to be read in the post that the comments!
can not say I feel different from the woman who in 2007 spoke of ecology and critical consumption, complained of their children and work, he told of his journeys on foot, looking for good news to be mentioned every week (closed ambitious project soon) . I was just a bit 'more enthusiastically methodical and slavish as happens to those who open a valve closed for years: that of my desire to tell. Today I feel more shrewd, more skeptical, and certainly probably the most arid. It is not the fault of the blog, of course.
I read a lot of nostalgia with some comments of people who are no longer on the network and I'm really sorry to have lost track. I think that even those who sono rimasti abbiano meno verve tanto che i loro commenti sono piĆ¹ frettolosi (esattamente come lo sono i miei sui loro blog).
In ogni caso trovo che sia un piccolo successo anche solo il fatto di avere ancora voglia di scrivere, di essere riuscita a tenermi lontana dai social network e di riuscire ancora durante le mie giornate a strappare questi cinque minuti solo per me .

** Per chi volesse ottenere una stampa "pulita" dei propri post (cosa non facile) suggerisco il software PrintWhatYouLike .


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