Thursday, January 20, 2011

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The responsibilities of the owners

do not say to the young, but things you do today to be optimistic. Just the fact that it was allowed the shameful blackmail of its workers FIAT masked, for more by referendum, depresses me greatly. I have no major economic powers and is not true that I "reject globalization," writes Gramellini . Simply no one from the head lever that if there is a crisis, that is if there is less money, instead of redistributing that there are better ones, there are those who constantly get richer and those who can be seen leaning over their shoulders, its 1000 euros per month, the responsibility "to be competitive." It is not right.
Meanwhile, let's start with the entrepreneurs to call them by their real name as did Filippo Astone, economic journalist of the Corriere della Sera (NB not a representative of the FIOM!), Who wrote a book entitled " The party bosses, such as caste and Confidustria economic command in Italy."
From his interview in Le Storie RAI3 I learned some interesting things about this class that now has a tendency to pass as benefactor.

1) In Italy the big industrialists to invest below the European average. The average investment in new European car models, for example, is 8%. Fiat invests 3%. One may wonder if it will lose market share? Require the workers more flexibility and efficiency, but what is their share of responsibility in making their companies competitive?

2) According to Astone Italy, is a combination of caste and the elite's economic leadership has the same responsibility for that policy and the union. The first is continuing to seek state aid and flexibility to employees. But do your part?

3) The crisis we are experiencing comes from the U.S. subprime mortgages due to the fact that families, too much for the liberalization of labor, were no longer able to pay their mortgages. The main problem of our economic elite is that short of having the vision and thinking that everything will be resolved by reducing real wages and adjusting their income statement for the next quarter. Meanwhile, however, are putting to death the whole economy. "The sheep, if sheared too, dies." Astone said. I would add: even if the Italian car market ripartisse, those who buy those cars produced if the people have less money?

4) Confidustria is the association of industrialists, but the "union" of entrepreneurs and is not the only one, given that some 38 representative of the owners. They accuse the policy to be divided and quarrelsome, but they are much more (and are much more expensive than political, according to Aston).

5) The promoters of the idea of \u200b\u200bexpelling the entrepreneurs who pay protection money were Antonio Montante, President Confindustria and Joseph Catanzaro Caltanissetta, Agrigento head of Confindustria, which has the highest number of expulsions. In Sicily, the operation was a tremendous importance when you consider that in the past they wanted to expel Libero Grassi, but everything outside the island had no practical effect, although protection money is paid even in the North.

7) The non-standard contracts (Co.Co.Pro., VAT, etc..) Are a way to bypass the collective bargaining through legislation. The motivation of these contracts is not flexibility but the lowest cost. Suffice it to say that they are heavily used by companies who continue to make profits, as telephone companies.


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