Sunday, January 16, 2011

Concession Stand Cupcakes

The abnormal variant

Generally, the human being moves for convenience. Is human nature to act under the impulse of self-interest, economic, primarily but not only. Not for nothing, to promote virtuous behavior, it used to incentives and to discourage certain actions that are harmful, we resort to sanctions. It 's normal to be so.
It is often surprising, and inexplicable behavior of those who go against the tide and, apparently, against the own advantage, so that we tend to explain it as a quest for recognition because this at least is part of a "normal". Yet there are whitefly that you do not even speak, and therefore are even more inexplicable.
I must say that these "abnormal variants" I have always liked so much, especially when they are unknown. I see them as a model to follow, give me hope, mitigate my usual pessimism. And then to think of it their number is so small.
I realize I have listed several on this blog: the two sofas manufacturers who refuse to pay the workers in black, commissioner for the rehabilitation of the Valley del Sarno che rifiuta il suo compenso per darlo alle famiglie dei Carabinieri caduti, alla cassiera del supermercato che consegna ai Carabinieri una cassetta piena di soldi che ha trovato, al proprietario di un'azienda tessile di Como in crisi che tira fuori i soldi per salvare la sua azienda invece di venderla.
Ed altre scovate più recentemente:

- Ambrogio Mauri era tra i maggiori costruttori di autobus del nord d'Italia ma non accettò di pagare le consuete tangenti al fine di avere un turno di appalto. Si tolse la vita nel 1997 perché gli soffiarono irregolarmente un appalto ma i suoi figli Carlo e Umberto continuano l'attività dell'azienda resistendo the attempted bribery of a new type ( Report episode on 24.10.2010 under the heading "Some people say no" ).

- On days when the government was saved thanks to the shameless sale of parliamentary, read on Paneacqua Pumpkin the story of Vincent, who, after working for years in the establishment Ilva of Savona and have participated in the struggle against its closure, he was elected senator in the fifties of the PCI. In the elections of 1963 left the task of Pumpkin Senator for normal shift rotation of parliament (it was then the strict limit of two terms) and returned regularly in the factory to carry out its work over the activities of workers a militant base. A decision that caused a sensation: there were parliamentary questions but it was precisely concerned will reject other locations. Vincenzo Zucchi factory remained until his retirement in 1964.

- On The Unit a few days ago I read instead of Altamura a businessman who was the only person who asked him to denounce the lace and was therefore isolated from the whole country. A choice that he calls "right" but that has devastated the lives of her entire family from morning to night. Who made him do?, The question arises.

- Antonio Diana, owner of Erreplast, a company that recycles plastic in Casertano, elected by Legambiente environmentalist of the year, was formed with his brother in a civil case against those who had killed his father because he had not bowed to the Camorra, as tells The Daily Done. "A normal thing - says Antonio - and those are normal things that surprise most of these lands."

In their small, are "abnormal variants" all those who leave their cars at home to move on foot, by bicycle or bus, the ones that make the collection even if you do not have a door-to-door those who read a book instead of watching television, those who do not even think to pass la domenica all'outlet (anche se ci sono i saldi), quelli che chiedono la fattura di un lavoro accollandosi l'IVA anche se non la possono scaricare, quelli che quando fa freddo si mettono un maglione in più senza accendere la stufa elettrica, quelli che si ricordano di portare la borsa di tela piuttosto che chiedere un sacchetto usa-e-getta (anche bio), quelli accompagnano i figli a scuola a piedi invece che in auto anche se piove, quelli che....


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