Anna Maria Testa, with his way of speaking professorial bites, does not inspire me great sympathy. However I found some interesting in his interview with Radio 3 on creativity Fahrenheit.
I particularly liked the fact that the teacher has removed some stereotypes related to this concept, which in our country is surrounded by an aura of suspicion because, since the eighties, the word creativity has been used too much and inappropriately.
According to Anna Maria Testa (author of "The plot shiny " Rizzoli
and site ) creativity is the system of connections and interconnections that lights nel nostro cervello quando c'è un problema da risolvere o quando arriva uno stimolo nuovo rispetto a quanti ci hanno preceduto su una certa questione. E' come una trama di fili che nel buio ad un certo punto si accendono.
I luoghi comuni che l'intervistata smonta sono:
1) la creatività non è un'idea che viene dal nulla, un gesto immediato. Il processo creativo, in tutti i campi, richiede una fase di analisi e di preparazione in cui tutti gli elementi vanno messi sul tavolo, una di incubazione, nella quale il cervello fa tanti collegamenti che vengono scartati, un momento di illuminazione nel quale la soluzione si manifesta in modo immediato (e spesso in maniera simpler than previously thought) and finally a stage of development and implementation in which we committed to putting into practice the idea of \u200b\u200bthe preceding paragraph. In short, the effort and commitment are always needed.
2) is not true that creativity is necessarily a characteristic of youth and decreases with age. Over the years we produce less but better quality because it has a kind of encyclopedia staff who can draw. Singles Eurispes the data of an investigation according to which, in addition to those who have to be creative for a living, were particularly creative over64 that match the generation who put up with energy, tenacity, passion and commitment, our country after the war.
3) creativity is not innate but can be grown. According to Anna Maria Testa, for example, children and young people (especially males) iperaccuditi, to which even the smallest sign of originality is rewarded, where we tolerate poor performance at school, you get used to individually address the difficulties that need to understand their own way, will not be fit to face a difficult future in terms of competition.
4) Creativity is not infringement because it destroys, while the former creates.
5) is not a mental disease in itself to generate creativity. If anything, this can be a productive outlet to the pain that would otherwise not be able to express themselves. Speaking of genius and recklessness I remember a speech Simona Argentieri which also dispels the myth of artistic talent that comes from inner turmoil by stating that, despite numerous studies in this regard, the source of artistic creativity, fortunately, has not been found. "There are more tormented pseudoartisti that true artists." Argentieri said.
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