Saturday, February 19, 2011

American Dad Doujinshi

COMPANY STILL AMONG THE END OF WINTER COLD AND FRESH BUT in the sun, there will be backlash from 10 March?

As mentioned advance has enabled a secondary movement sull'euorpa Eastern movement that is bringing the cold, the real one, on Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Russia europea.Il polar vortex in fact leaves no way to Western Europe fed by the feedback stratcooling party with the end of January which takes on values \u200b\u200bvery positive AO index which will next to another peak.
The arrangement of the polar vortex in Canada and makes it impossible for her vivacity elevation with the Azorean anticyclone oceanic bridge will not be able to join with the Russian colleague in high dusting, result: The chill will remain confined to the East Siberian and send only weak pulses that will still maintain an average temperature of the frost period and extended especially to nord.Durante the hottest temperatures will be rather pleasant waiting for a pulse plus meridian later this month should bring the snow hill on a straight.

Italy will be protected by high pressure that will leave open solo il fianco sud-orientale e devierà l'aria più fredda verso i balcani.
Domani una veloce perturbazione interesserà un po' tutta la penisola con piogge deboli ma insistenti soprattutto sui versanti tirrenici con neve sulle alpi a quote attorno ai 700m e sugli appennini attorno ai 1000m.Le temperature caleranno ma si manterranno nei valori medi mentre dalla sera i fenomeni cesseranno a partire dal nord ovest per concentrarsi soprattutto su campania e calabria tirrenica.
La saccatura atlantica affondando verso sud richiamerà un nucleo freddo da NE che si avvicinerà alle alpi tra lunedì e martedì sfiorando minacciosamente l'Italia orientale,lunedì i freddi venti di tramontana faranno calare le temperature riportando the sun at the center north and south above the snow at the center on the Adriatic coast, snow could fall on the evening of Monday, 300-400m.Martedì also around the entire peninsula will see cloudy sky conditions or clear with thickening along the Apennines and rapid improvement in the south, the decrease in heat will be felt everywhere and the winds will be strong northern wind.
Wednesday the weak cold pulse reaches its peak with maximum and minimum temperatures below zero almost everywhere below 10 degrees north in the center but always calm skies and winds from nord.Giovedì Friday and the highest rise with the sun and the cold does not will track if not for the minimum still below zero in the central north, all anticyclone from the west for a comeback that will divert the flow of cold further east.

On Sunday a feeble attempt to lift Azorean high pressure should lead to a deterioration in the North Atlantic for bringing the snow hill on a straight up around the north and center, perhaps even at low altitude in some northern areas, to follow a new reinforcement of the Canadian polar vortex again should pave the Azores to the east thereby another weak cold pulse of NE, thus keeping alive the secondary circulation.
It is therefore clear that overcoming the mitered NAM 1.5 has led to a feedback effect with more strength to all of the VPS shares, despite this, therefore, a Russian hp just to the east the Mediterranean and Western Europe will not get the stock in March gelido.Cambierà something? should moderate the effects cooling around the beginning of the second decade of March when the vps may be disturbed thereby allowing AO index falls more movement and a sundial, all associated with the presence of a frozen lake just to the east of Europe could lead to a very cool episode intesno on the old continent at around 10 March.
must be admitted that this development has lost some points due to the lack of important VPS and forcing a partial impairment to the structure of surface anomalies atlantiche,dovremo quindi riaggiornare l'analisi a lungo termine tra qualche giorno.
Un pensiero infine per la primavera i cui esiti rimangono legati alla conferma o meno dei movimenti in stratosfera ma che potrebbe presentarsi fredda e piovosa proprio per il ribaltamento dell'indice NAM in extremis.


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