Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lab Made Diamonds Dallas

snow at low altitudes HAS 'MADE ON TIME AND WE WILL'

Dopo un paio di impulsi freddi dai balcani che avevano riportato l'inverno sopratutto al centro sud a complication here is timely to bring snow from the Atlantic toward the low hill across the center nord.Il cold arrived from the east was not so sharp because of the wind that has never completely subsided, in fact had predicted the various lam a sharp fall of the wind that would have allowed the formation of a minimum cushion of cold and largely negative, if it were yesterday the snow would be presented to the plan (at least in the early hours) from the central and northern Tuscany.
Depression Mediterranean seems, however, did not want to loosen its grip, fueled by cold air north Atlantic will continue to determine rainfall over much of the peninsula at least until Thursday, though with the passing of the hours they are concentreranno su emilia e piemonte.Tra mercoledì e giovedì la situazione si complicherà con l'ingresso di aria più fredda che al momento sembrerebbe in grado di riportare la neve su piemonte ed emilia fin verso al piano,forse anche tra bassa lombardia e basso veneto.
In toscana le precipitazioni dovrebbero invece concentrarsi sulla fascia appenninica con fiocchi che nelle vallate potrebbero scendere fino al piano e con probabile neve mista a pioggia nelle prime ore del giorno sulla toscana settentrionale.
MARTEDì :Maltempo su gran parte d'Italia fatta eccezione per il nord est,neve a 300-400m al centro nord e forse più in basso tra piemonte ed appennino tosco emiliano,maltempo più intense band along the Adriatic slope with altitude snow till about 1000m to the center sud.Le heaviest rainfall will be between Puglia and Calabria, where heavy rains could cause discomfort and situations monitorare.Tramontana strong and gusty north to the center of the sirocco south, temperatures even slightly sub to the average of the period.
WEDNESDAY: The north wind will become more cold for the arrival of a cold pulse from the Balkans that will affect the Principle Po valley, the rainfall will tend to focus on lower Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany Apennines where the share of snow will approach the rains will be more intense between piano.Le emilia romagna e marche dove la neve cadrà a quote comprese tra i 200 e i 600m.In serata un peggioramento raggiungerà la costa tirrenica di basso lazio e campania mentre al centro la quota neve scenderà fin verso il piano con le ultime deboli precipitazioni,venti invariati e temperature in calo.
GIOVEDì :L'approfondimento di un minimo posizionato tra corsica e sardegna determinerà un ulteriore peggioramento a partire dalle coste tirreniche con fenomeni che faranno fatica a risalire verso la pianura padana e nevicate a bassa quota soprattutto sulla toscana dove la neve cadrà attorno ai 300m e al piano nelle prime ore tra emilia e marche,probabili phenomena very weak snow on the floor between Piedmont and Liguria in rapid share attenuazione.Dalla evening snow will tend to rise and rainfall will be concentrated in Tuscany, Lazio, Campania and still puglia.Temperature sottomedia especially in the north, north winds in the central north , south-west on the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic sirocco on low.
FRIDAY and SATURDAY should be two days last Friday with the best banner still cloudy over most of Italy and weak rain in the middle south while the sun should shine on Saturday most of the peninsula with minimum decline and possible frosts in the north but decided in maximum recovery in a climate-tasting spring.
In the long term is king once more the polar vortex in the cooling that goes with extraordinary cooling effect by preventing any attempt to Azorean elevation, it was expected Sunday from midday descent also very important on the Mediterranean, which is down was then gradually moved eastward through the failure of having a sufficiently AO negativo.La week so it should end with a pulse will rise to almost cold and Italy will occur mainly at the center in south with snow could fall in puglia Verman shares available, in the middle of a raid north of the kind should not be accompanied this time by twenty too impetuous and should bring a pair of days with minimum well below zero but the maximum that an accomplice would be more spring sunshine.
Going even further is likely that stage midday predicted for almost a month would see a delay of several days and that would mean the end of the interference of stratcooling end of January on the fate of the polar vortex, however the lack of signals on the crisis this season due to advanced vp makes us believe that while the second episode of the cold days of March may be less effective than expected, the other the first part of spring may be cold and the usual practice perturbata.In "decadence" of the VP is believed to be slower than usual and able configurations during the winter to bring the entire month of April to make way for a second part of spring and first part of summer marked by strong waves of heat, but we'll talk about this later.


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