Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7 Inch Portable Prism Tv

Good news all around me

fewer and fewer reasons for optimism with the news of the day. Better to be limited to things closer together which is some good news.
  • After years in which, by the Taliban collection, I took my bag of kitchen waste bin in the one area about 500 meters away, are finally placing the bins in my street plan.
  • Rwanda The boy that I support remotely via the Reach Italy has successfully completed their studies. I received a picture of her (with his white shirt and white looks a bit 'sad and preoccupied), accompanied by his report card: 217 days present in school on 220, "good" in all subjects except two "excellent" . A great little satisfaction. I really hope this will give him the chance of a decent future, as stated in the letter of the Reach. I have now assigned Elie, a tender child of Burkina Faso which now begins his schooling.
  • Researcher precarious that I mentioned in this post (maybe someone will remember it) è stata assunta a tempo indeterminato presso il mio ente dal 1 marzo, risultando vincitrice di un concorso nazionale. La sua tenacia è stata premiata.
  • Infine, non avrei scommesso un cent sulla sopravvivenza all'inverno delle quattro piantine di geranio comprate l'estate scorsa ( ricordate l'esperimento? ). Due infatti sono morte ma dalle altre due, lasciate fuori alle intemperie (anche se riparate un po' dal vento) senza alcuna cura, stanno spuntando miracolosamente delle nuove foglioline verdi. Rimango sempre stupefatta della potenza della vita.


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