Come avevamo annunciato un affondo occidentale del vortice polare ha fatto si che sul mediterraneo si attivassero correnti meridionali che nella giornata di ieri hanno portato intense piogge su gran parte della nostra penisola assieme però ad un rialzo termico con quota neve che sull'appennino centrosettentrionale è salita al di sopra dei 1500m.
La giornata di oggi sarà una debole tregua che vedrà le piogge insistere soltanto su toscana romagna e triveneto anche se si tratterà perlopiù di piogge molto deboli fatta eccezione per la nostra regione dove i fenomeni potrenno risultare anche moderati.La neve cadrà solamente alle quote più alte dell'appennino e le temperature will be in line with the average of the period with winds mostly south-east.
TUESDAY 15: A large perturbed system will approach the Mediterranean leading to the formation of a deep low pressure initially at least on the English coast but rapidly westward shift that will bring back loads of southerly winds umidità.Le weather conditions deteriorate rapidly after Piemonte and Liguria to the west of the regions most affected by the rains with high emilia.In Tuscan evening rain will be everywhere very intense and we will also be at the center south and north est.Temperature further increase in snow in the Alps and beyond 1500 and the Tuscan Emilian only the highest peaks.
WEDNESDAY 16: In the early hours of intense disturbance English approach could lead to a very critical situation in the Central North, in particular on the Piedmont-Liguria, northern Tuscany and Emilia veneto.La low trajectory of the disruption will be key to understand where we have the largest quantities of precipitazioni.La very high altitude snow could be another risk factor because almost all the rainfall that there will be further ingorssando liquid streams, the fairly rapid evolution could however, avoid the risk of flooding with the nuclei most intense in the evening will be moved to the Friuli and precipitation (seppure più deboli) insisteranno sull'alta toscana.Al centro sud le precipitazioni si faranno intense lungo la fascia tirrenica e dalla sera saranno possibili addirittura temporali sulla campania ed il basso lazio.Temperature satzionarie e venti di libeccio.
GIOVEDì 17: Andrà piano piano colmandosi il minimo di bassa pressione in spostamento verso NE,i fenomeni seppur attenuati insisteranno su alta toscana e nord est e al centro sud tra lazio e campania e ,dalla sera, anche sulla calabria tirrenica.Altrove il cielo si manterrà coperto mentre dalla sera i fenomeni tenderanno ad isolarsi al NE,temperature stazionarie.
VENERDì 18: Il sole dovrebbe tornare su gran parte del centro nord accompagnato da una rapida ripresa maximum temperature which should give a nice spring day while most of downtown south will still be affected by rain attenuation and rain in the evening.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY: The high pressure expanding from the west should be able to go again to determine the flow of cold air to Italy, when the cold air would seem to be able to supply a minimum of low pressure bringing about a further worsening of the time over the weekend to mold cold. phenomena could affect the Adriatic side, the central-northern Apennines and the north west with snow up to shares of evolution, it will have low collina.Tale confirmed not both for the incoming air cooler that now seems very likely as the possibility of rain or less.
finally giving a glimpse into the long term we note that in March the last part might hold a surprise, if in fact most times we assumed a cold end of the month here is that the projections for some days even beyond showing a massive elevation Azorean able to push a cold core of the polar vortex over Europe to the Mediterranean, it would be a very intenso.Il cold episode could return between 25 March and early April with snow that could make a quick greeting to much of the center North prior to the appointment to the next winter.
Besides all this would be consistent with the hypothesis of an early part of spring supported by a cold and rainy still negative tripole and a weakening of the positive anomaly NAM.La situation may change in second half of the season from early May when the first waves could anticipate hot sweltering summer, but we will talk it over.
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