pornographic advertising contracts Porn - Remember the NEW BLOG NUDITA' MARINE
Forse sono stato un pò precipitoso, ma lunedì pomeriggio ho attivato un Contratto Pubblicitario Pornografico, poi perfezionato martedì pomeriggio.
Perchè questa scelta?
For one simple reason: I WANT MY TALENT FOR BLOGGER Monetize!
However, as I said at the beginning post, I was too hasty.
Why have I been hasty?
Why I think this advertising contract un'inculata! For what reason? Why do not you earn based on clicks, but on the basis of improved advertising contracts. Let me explain, if a user buys a CD or watch a porn SEXY TV like the big sister, I stand to gain, but if you simply click, I do not earn anything!
Of course if I had better read the Rules, I would have expected to activate the contract, there were other companies that they might have earned with a simple click, but I just saw that c'era questa Azienda che non metteva censura, non ho capito più niente ed ho attivato il Contratto senza pensarci 2 volte ed ho sbagliato!
Un altro motivo per cui sono pentito di aver attivato detto Contratto è il fatto che il mio sito non è pornografico, ha solo del nudo, nudo che si vede tranquillamente in spiaggia e perciò non ha molto senso questa pubblicità pornografico. Comunque se ho fatto questa scelta è colpa del REGIME BIGOTTO-FEMMINISTA DI MERDA che mette sullo stesso piano le foto nude in spiaggia con la pornografia più spinta,cioè in pratica se volevo un contratto pubblicitario dovevo per forza rivolgermi ad Aziende che gestiscono Pubblicità Porno, inoltre le Aziende che gestiscono the so-called normal advertising, are American and you know that Americans are BIGOTTO-FEMALE SHIT! Instead the company with which I activated the advertising contract Porno is Belgian and we know that the Belgians are the opposite of the Americans, that are LIBERTINE SEX INSPIRED!
However rest assured that I am not put in his blog COCKS NAKED ARRAPPATI, in fact I posted in my blog just soft-porn advertising, that is neither more nor less than what you see on the beach! Then if one wants to see more can click on the advertising and will definitely more!
currently at zero with earnings and if the situation persists, I will try another company with which to activate a new advertising contract, a company that is not pornography, but not even the first female BIGOTTO-naked tit exposed bans you from their advertising contract.
Once there were movies and programs available to persons age 14 years, where he saw the nude, but not sexually explicit acts, my blog, for example him to persons age 13-14 years, but now, for fault of the SYSTEM OF FEMINIST BIGOTTO-shit, you go from nothing to fully granted GRANTED, when changing from 17 years 11 months and 29 days to 18 years, ABSURD! But then, why does not prohibit TOPLESS ON THE BEACH AND THONG, which among other things have a tremendous sexual provocation IN A 'DIFFICULT FOR ME AS A REAL manly man, to stand? HYPOCRISY OF FEMINIST BIGOTTO-SHIT!
Remember the BLOG NEW NUDITY 'MARINE: is full of beautiful pussies completely naked, there are also COMPLETELY NUDE VIDEO with young
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