Sunday, March 6, 2011

Impreza Overflow Water Loss

Fetishist to whom?

Il nostro personale rapporto con gli oggetti nasconde sicuramente tracce della nostra storia and our character. Who tends to accumulate regularly and discard those who love objects, who is morbidly attached and who loves to share, who has an obsessive attention and who tend to scramble your own thing. I tend to have the essentials. I love the most free space that the object could occupy it. I like things to be used and maybe used by others, with the wear. I like to share and I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200b"my stuff".
The relationship with books is a good indicator of the character of each. Many readers have a strong relationship with the object so sacred book that takes them not only to abhor the idea of \u200b\u200bloan or on your handheld (see the usual story of "perfume pages e "), but also open up the pages with care not to crease the spine. Imagine the idea of \u200b\u200bstress or scribble! hell broke loose!
Frankly I never understood this type of attachment. I like the ' book as an object for his physical (shape, weight, color), though, about the content, I do not dislike all the loan or ebook or audiobook. If a book strikes me particularly, I also like to stress and even (hear, hear) I do not find you ugly ears to mark a page (and here the typical fetishist of the book begins to do exorcisms). Why not? Here is a page of a manual of Psychoanalysis, read in my youth and recently fished out for lending it to my son, with lots of underlining, note and question marks that still rischiafferei smoky on the page.


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